When Linda called PATF for help, she wasn’t sure what she wanted, but she knew she needed something. She worried about falling while navigating the bumpy streets of Philadelphia, and she wanted to know what she could do to prevent unwelcome flooding from her bathroom sink. After washing her hands she would forget to turn off the faucet, and water from the flooded sink had ruined her flooring twice.
“I am so grateful to PATF for helping make it possible for me to live in my own home.” – Linda
We helped Linda enroll in a program that provides services to people who have disabilities or are aging so that they can continue to live in their own homes and be active in the community. For Linda, this meant she could get an assessment from a physical therapist for a specific type of walker that provides greater stability when strolling around town. We also helped Linda take out a mini-loan to purchase a magic-eye faucet in the bathroom. Now the water stops running when she moves away from the sink, and Linda is happily and safely living in her own home.