Carrie Anderson

Carrie Anderson is PATF’s Administrative Associate. She is often the first point of contact for callers, directing them to the appropriate staff person, and answering basic questions about the programs…. [ Read Carrie Anderson ]

Featured image forPeder Wiegner

Peder Wiegner

Peder Wiegner is PATF’s Strategic Initiatives Director. He is responsible for managing and monitoring PATF’s new program development and raising funds for the mission of the organization. Leveraging the organization’s… [ Read Peder Wiegner ]

Featured image forCarmella Rynearson

Carmella Rynearson

Carmella Rynearson is a Program Associate and Underwriter for PATF. She is primarily responsible for helping people access funding for assistive technology through PATF’s Loan Programs. Carmella also provides applicants with information about… [ Read Carmella Rynearson ]

Featured image forWendy Harkins Davis

Wendy Harkins Davis

Wendy Harkins Davis is PATF’s Marketing and Outreach Director. She is responsible for developing and implementing PATF’s marketing plans, outreach activities, managing PATF’s smart home technology projects, and working to… [ Read Wendy Harkins Davis ]

Sarah Love

Sarah Love is a Program Manager and Underwriter for Appalachian Assistive Technology Loan Fund (AATLF). AATLF is a non-profit organization and subsidiary of PATF. She is primarily responsible for helping… [ Read Sarah Love ]

Featured image forBonaia Rosado

Bonaia Rosado

Bonaia Rosado is PATF’s Senior Program Manager. She assists and oversees the underwriting activities associated with PATF’s loan programs, including financial education. She helps educate applicants and their families about… [ Read Bonaia Rosado ]

Featured image forTracy Beck

Tracy Beck

Tracy Beck is PATF’s Senior Lending and Operations Director. She is responsible for implementing policies and procedures that expand opportunities for accessing assistive technology devices as well as managing the… [ Read Tracy Beck ]