Featured image forCredit: What is it, why is it important, and how do you manage it?

Credit: What is it, why is it important, and how do you manage it?

We talk a lot about credit around here at PATF. After all, we extend loans for assistive technology. But what exactly is credit? And why does your credit score matter? And once… [ Read Credit: What is it, why is it important, and how do you manage it? ]

Featured image forPA ABLE to Empower Your Future!

PA ABLE to Empower Your Future!

PA ABLE (Achieving a Better Life Experience) is a tax-advantaged savings account for individuals with disabilities and their families to save and invest their money without jeopardizing government benefits. However,… [ Read PA ABLE to Empower Your Future! ]

Featured image forNew Video: George’s Smart Home Journey

New Video: George’s Smart Home Journey

In this video, George, who relies on an AAC (augmentative and alternative communication) device, showcases how smart home technology has transformed his life. With the help of his AAC device,… [ Read New Video: George’s Smart Home Journey ]

Featured image forGreat News! PATF is Committed to Keeping Interest Rates Low

Great News! PATF is Committed to Keeping Interest Rates Low

For the last year, the Federal Reserve has been increasing interest rates to bring inflation under control. As a result, many Americans are paying more on their credit cards, mortgages,… [ Read Great News! PATF is Committed to Keeping Interest Rates Low ]

Featured image forUnderstanding The Federal Debt Limit Debate

Understanding The Federal Debt Limit Debate

There are many stories in the news lately about the federal debt limit and many discussions about whether it should be raised and what the consequences of raising or not… [ Read Understanding The Federal Debt Limit Debate ]

Featured image forDive into PATF’s New Financial Education Publications

Dive into PATF’s New Financial Education Publications

We have published two new editions of our fully accessible financial education guides – Cents and Sensibility: A Guide to Money Management, 7th Edition and the Educator Companion Manual, 2nd… [ Read Dive into PATF’s New Financial Education Publications ]

Assistive Technology (AT) to Stay Active in the Garden

Written by PATF’s Outreach Director, Wendy Davis Gardening can be physically exhausting and difficult work for anyone. For my friend, Deb Habermann, gardening was no longer an option, according to… [ Read Assistive Technology (AT) to Stay Active in the Garden ]

Featured image forBonaia’s Blog: Sharing Tips For People With Autism

Bonaia’s Blog: Sharing Tips For People With Autism

We are sharing various tips and resources for people with autism. The recommendations are from PATF’s Senior Program Manager, Bonaia Rosado, who is autistic. Bonaia has been with us for… [ Read Bonaia’s Blog: Sharing Tips For People With Autism ]

Featured image forTop 5 Funding Resources for Assistive Technology for Children with Physical Disabilities

Top 5 Funding Resources for Assistive Technology for Children with Physical Disabilities

When someone calls us looking for help getting their assistive technology (AT), one of the first questions we ask is whether they are enrolled in a waiver – that is,… [ Read Top 5 Funding Resources for Assistive Technology for Children with Physical Disabilities ]

Free Financial Education Webinar: Part Two: Shared Experiences: What Worked For Us – People Share Their Experiences

Free Financial Education Webinar Part Two: Shared Experiences: What Worked For Us – People Share Their Experiences See Part One: Best Practices That Work – Expert Panel Shares Techniques Hosted by:… [ Read Free Financial Education Webinar: Part Two: Shared Experiences: What Worked For Us – People Share Their Experiences ]