PATF Recently Awarded Two Grants

The Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation (PATF) has recently been awarded two grants, totaling $800,000, that will be used to extend new zero-interest (0%) or low-interest (3.75%) loans to people with… [ Read PATF Recently Awarded Two Grants ]

Lower Interest Rate

As of October 1, PATF’s interest rate will be lowered to 3.75%, for loans over $1,000. Applications received after October 1 will be eligible to receive this interest rate.

Don’t Miss This Special Training!

If you are a person with a disability or a family member, you are invited to learn how to get the assistive technology & home modifications that you need. Presented… [ Read Don’t Miss This Special Training! ]

Exploring New Partnerships

PATF was pleased to take part in a meeting with the Secretary of Banking, the PA Credit Union Association, PA Labor & Industry, and the Office of Vocational Rehabiliation to… [ Read Exploring New Partnerships ]

Featured image for PATF Receives Generous Donation

PATF Receives Generous Donation

From Left: David Gates; PATF Board Member, Katherine Reim; PATF Board President, Susan Tachau; PATF Executive Director, Carolyn Snedecker; Golden Living Center Staff, Peter Kennedy; PATF Immediate Past Board President, Anthony Garcia;… [ Read PATF Receives Generous Donation ]

Featured image for PATF Certified as a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI)

PATF Certified as a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI)

PATF is pleased and honored to announce that we have been certified as a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) by the US Department of Treasury. Organizations certified as CDFIs provide traditionally… [ Read PATF Certified as a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) ]

PATF Receives Grant Award to Support its Mini-loan Program

CVS Caremark Charitable Trust recently announced that PATF was selected to receive a grant in the amount of $20,000. This grant will be used to support the mini-loan program. PATF was… [ Read PATF Receives Grant Award to Support its Mini-loan Program ]

The National & Local COAT Affiliate Supports Funds For Assistive Technology Loan Programs

The Coalition of Organizations for Assistive Technology (COAT) affiliates at both the national and local level recently supported an effort November 3, 2011 to fund anew the consumer assistive technology… [ Read The National & Local COAT Affiliate Supports Funds For Assistive Technology Loan Programs ]

EQUITY, World Institute on Disability

The World Institute on Disability profiled PATF in their April, 2011 newsletter, EQUITY. EQUITY is focused on asset development for people with disabilities, and their article on PATF describes how… [ Read EQUITY, World Institute on Disability ]

Rep. Kula Calls for PA Support for A.T.

At a Capitol news conference on April 27th, state Rep. Deberah Kula joined with other lawmakers and people with disabilities to encourage continued state support of the Pennsylvania Assisted Technology… [ Read Rep. Kula Calls for PA Support for A.T. ]