Show Us Your Tech | 2021 Photo Contest
It’s almost here… Celebrate Assistive Technology (AT) Awareness Month with us this November by participating in our 7th Annual AT Photo Contest: Show Us Your Tech!
Entries open November 1st, check back soon for more details.
November is Assistive Technology Awareness Month
November is Assistive Technology Awareness Month in Pennsylvania. Join Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation (PATF) to celebrate and raise awareness about the various types of AT and the difference they make in your life and the lives of others by entering PATF’s 7th Annual Show Us Your Tech AT Photo Contest. Assistive technology (AT) doesn’t have to be complex or expensive to make a difference in your life.
What is Assistive technology (AT)?
Assistive technology (AT) is any device that helps a person with a disability do the things they want to do.
Examples of AT include: hearing aids, smart home devices, vehicle and home modifications, computers and tablets, mobility scooters, adaptive sports equipment, and so much more!
Past photo contest participants shared how they are using assistive technology to gain greater independence, freedom, opportunity, connection, and joy. That is what assistive technology is all about.

Get Involved: Before the Contest
We want to hear your range of experiences with AT and its impact on your life and their lives of others. Whether you are an AT user, business, non-profit, family, caregiver, advocate, or friend, you can join us and help raise awareness about AT.
“Show Us Your Tech” Photo Contest Sponsors help PATF raise awareness about life-changing assistive technology (AT), while showcasing a wide variety of AT devices and services. Sponsors have the opportunity to advocate for AT, reach new audiences, and market your unique company and services.
Click here to download the sponsorship booklet.
Share the Photo Contest Page
Help raise awareness about AT by sharing the Show Us Your Tech photo contest page, participant photos across social media, and PATF's Show Us Your Tech E-blasts. If you are in the media and would like to change the narrative about people with disabilities, please contact us.
Get Involved: Throughout the Month of November
Show Us Your Tech: Throughout November, submit your AT photos and share your stories about the difference AT is making in your life. Winners are chosen based on entries that best describe and show how AT is making a difference in their life.
Enter the photo contest
People with disabilities and their families or caregivers are invited to submit a photo and caption illustrating how you use AT to achieve independence, celebrate life, or accomplish everyday tasks.
Take your photo and be ready to enter, Show Us Your Tech photo contest starts on November 1, 2021.
Vote for the person who best shows and describes the difference AT makes in their life and help them win prizes.
Voting opens November 1 and closes November 30 at 5pm.
Past Photo Contest Winners & Participants
2019: Emily, Tobii Eye Gaze Communication Device with Digital Painter Software