November was Assistive Technology Awareness Month in Pennsylvania, and to celebrate we hosted our fifth annual photo contest. We asked assistive technology users to Show Us Your Tech! by uploading a photo of themselves using their assistive technology (AT) and writing a caption about the difference their tech makes in their lives. This has been our most successful contest yet, with 29 entries demonstrating a variety of devices and AT uses.
Thank you! to all of our participants for helping spread awareness about AT. You have provided a glimpse of the breadth of technology available, the individual nature of each person’s use of their technology, and – perhaps most importantly – the range of experiences you’re having, independently, with your technology. Below are 29 personal stories of people doing the things they want to do. That’s what AT is all about.
As a nonprofit organization with the mission to help Pennsylvanians acquire the assistive technology they want and need by providing funding resources, we were particularly interested in how users got their technology. Each participant had the option to share that information as well. You never know, it may help someone else find funding for the technology they need!
Prizes included:
- $5 Amazon Gift Card to the first 15 eligible entries!
- $500 VISA Gift Card to one (1) entry chosen from the top 5 eligible entries that received the most votes by 11:59 p.m. EST on November 30! This winner was chosen based on the entry that best illustrates how assistive technology is making a difference in their life.
- $100 VISA Gift Card to five (5) entries chosen from all eligible entries. Winners were chosen based on entries that best illustrate how assistive technology is making a difference in their life.
This contest was generously sponsored by and
Read the official rules and regulations here.
And now, we’re thrilled to announce our winners!
$500 VISA Gift Card Winner:
Emily S.

Tobii eye gaze communication device with Digital Painter software
Emily Shifflet is a young woman living with Rett Syndrome. The only muscle she has any control is her eye gaze. Her Cornerstone Therapist introduced her to the Digital Painter software on her Tobii communication device and she now is a silent partner in a business called Eye Gaze Designs by Emily. She creates cards, calendars and wall art with all profits going to Rett Syndrome research. She is now a eye gaze artist and philanthropist.
How did you fund your assistive technology? (Optional): Insurance
$100 VISA Gift Card Winners:
George S.

Siri, power wheelchair, robot arm
I use Siri to run my business and communicate online. Through my voice I can access and use almost every application on my ipad. I use my power wheelchair to get around independently. With it I am able to get out much more frequently and when I do I can move around as I wish. I use my robot arm to manipulate 3-D objects. I’ve used it to cut paper, write, stamp, and pick things up. I’m always thinking of new applications for it. With all of these things I have more options to live my best life and work the way I choose.
How did you fund your assistive technology? (Optional): Waiver funding and crowd sourcing
Julie M.
[Image of three children with their arms around each other, soaking wet from a squirt gun fight, smiling and relaxed in a backyard encircled by a tall white fence]
Safety Fence
Our son has autism and suffers from elopement. He will constantly run away from us and will take off towards traffic when we take him to local parks or soccer fields to play. He also would run to the street when outside playing in our back yard. With the loan we got from PATF we were able to enclose our back yard with a fence that is too tall for our son to climb. We can now invite friends and family over for cookouts and backyard fun such as water balloon and squirtgun fights, soccer and kickball and just running around the yard. Our son can play outside and get exercise without putting himself in danger because he knows he can’t run away. As parents we are able to relax and enjoy our yard now knowing our son is safe. We have had our fence since April 2019 and it has improved the quality of living for our whole family not just our son who has special needs. He can go outside into our back yard and play just about every day and be safe.
How did you fund your assistive technology? (Optional): We received a low interest loan from PATF through a local bank
Katie S.

Wheelchair Rugby Wheelchair
After a spinal cord injury in 2007, I was unsure if I would be able to continue to be an athlete. Soon after though I found the sport of wheelchair rugby, a high-speed and full contact wheelchair sport that is largely male dominated. Gameplay consists of a combination of basketball, soccer, and hockey with a 4 on 4 setup. Utilizing a specially designed and hand-welded wheelchair rugby chair, I am able to fully and meaningfully participate fully in a sport designed by and for individuals with similar function to myself. Not only am I able to reap the physical, psychological, and social benefits consistent with participation in sports – I also learned how to live life from a wheelchair from the teammates and others I met through this sport. I was able to get a chair specifically designed for me by Vesco and funded through the Challenged Athletes Foundation in 2016. This equipment allows me to participate in an activity that led me to successfully transition into life with disability. Entering my 11th season as part of the Pittsburgh SteelWheelers, I have also participated in the first 2 Women’s International Tournaments, forwarding women’s participation in the sport and empowerment through through the sport. I take my chair when I speak about disabilities in classrooms from elementary schools through colleges and universities. Looking forward to many more years of crashing, advocacy, and education with this equipment!
How did you fund your assistive technology? (Optional): Challenged Athletes Foundation
Lee Y.

Assistive Communication Device
I am non-verbal so it is difficult for me to make friends because I cannot talk to them. Having an assistive communication device gives me a voice and gives me the opportunity to express to other people what I am thinking and feeling. With an effective way to communicate to others, I can talk to my friends, teachers, family and everyone! Now I can be a part of the conversation and that makes me feel awesome!
How did you fund your assistive technology? (Optional): Medicaid and out-of-pocket
Morgan S.

Camera unique set up
Hi, my name is Morgan Smoker and I started using my communication device and my wheelchair when I was four years old. They are important to me because they can help me to be more independent in life. During the years, I loved taking photos of everything and my camera is helping me with going after my dream. I have an EOS Utility software to help me control my camera through my communication device. In my wheelchair, I can recline back and forth to get the perfect angle for my picture.
How did you fund your assistive technology? (Optional): Wavier Funding
Choosing winners was not easy; we felt all of the entries provided valuable glimpses into each individual’s life, showing the important role assistive technology plays. We’re grateful to each of you for sharing your story. Take a look at the rest of the entries below:
Bill A.

Adapted van
I am now able to go hunting again thanks to my new van and permit from PA Game Commission. I can hunt from the vehicle. I purchased van in September with a PATF loan from Main Mobility in Buffalo NY..
Roc A.

Motorized Smart Drive, for Wheelchair, with Assistive Watch
My Assistive Motorized Smart Drive has given me the freedom I needed to be able to move places in my wheelchair that without it I would be pretty much stabilized to a certain extent. I have Cerebral Palsy, which I’ve had since birth. I’m now 20 years old. I’ve loved to draw all my life, and using my hands so much has caused me to get early signs of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. With the help of my Occupational Therapist at CHOP, I was trained on and accepted to be able to receive my Smart Drive. How it works is, it connects to the bottom/back of my wheelchair on the wheels, it must be charged to work. In addition, there’s a watch on my wrist to control the Smart Drive. I tap the wheel twice for the motorized device to work, to make the chair move, then once to control the speed, then twice again to stop it. Since receiving my device, it has allowed me to be able to draw without as much pain in my hand, along with my hand braces, my Smart Drive is the best. Thanks to my Occupational therapist at CHOP for being so attentive to my needs, and the people at Hiram G Andrew’s for introducing me to the world of Smart Drive Technology. I can rest while I drive. Thanks, From Roc.
How did you fund your assistive technology? (Optional): Through CHOP getting it approved from Keystone First.
Eli H.

Eli is a 7th grader in the Uniontown School District. He was born with a rare condition known as Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita (AMC). He uses his IPad daily to take notes, complete assignments, and take tests. His teachers email him worksheets and assignments. The iPad is light weight and easy to transport from class to class, and with this clamp, he can sit at his desk beside his friends.
How did you fund your assistive technology? (Optional): School district provided
Lawrence Eric S.

Adaptive Measuring Device and Cutting Guides
I have always been Industrious and Artistic, but after losing my sight, I had to take my creativity in a different direction.
With the help of the Tape King Talking Tape Measure, a homemade Wooden Square, Stanley Drill Guide, and Ryobi Cordless Power Tools, I have been able to make household repairs as well as build several Wooden Gliders. All with no Vision at all! It may take me a little longer than most to do this, but the sense of accomplishment will last forever.
This photo was taken during our local Association for the Blind’s Tech Class. I was asked to demo how I use my tools for the other clients.
Adapt and overcome is my motto!
How did you fund your assistive technology? (Optional): OVR and Out of Pocket
Scott L.

Forearm fins
Before I injured my spinal cord 18 yrs ago I was able to go scuba diving using traditional fins on my feet to propel me through the water. Now that I’m paralyzed I no longer have the use of of my legs so traditional foot fins are useless. I realized propelling myself through the water with my arms using just the surface area of my hands was not practical. I would wear myself out before the end of the dive. It was the idea of my friend Ken Hoser from Adaptive Diving Assoc.(ADA) to design develop the strap-on fins you see on my forearms. Adaptive Diving Assoc has helped hundreds of other adaptive divers as well, providing us freedom when we thought we would never access to SCUBA. These fins, while simple in design are a game changer for being able to propel myself underwater. Thanks Ken and ADA.
How did you fund your assistive technology? (Optional): Loaned to me by Ken Hoser from Adaptive Diving Assoc.
Caroline D.

Captioning phone
The CaptionCall phone is valuable for my phone calls related to work and school. It was really helpful when I had to call work for my schedule and when I would call to see if the store was still open when it snowed. I understand more over the phone using the CaptionCall phone and the words on the screen are there for me to pick up words and phrases that I don’t understand.
How did you fund your assistive technology? (Optional): Free (TRS funds)
Samuel W.

Guide harness for my service dog!
The guide harness that was crowd-funded for my service dog, Clover, this year is one of the most exciting pieces of assistive technology I’ve ever gotten. It was custom made for her by a company called Yup Collars so that it fits her perfectly and is safe for both of us.
I’m autistic, and the sensory issues that go along with that for me includes being very easily overwhelmed by my environment, which can get disorienting. Some of my scariest memories growing up and into adulthood is going out somewhere, either alone or with friends, and suddenly realizing that I’ve been wandering around and have no idea how to get back to my friends or family or find my way back out of large places like department stores or malls or large event venues where it’s likely to be both very crowded and difficult to navigate because of the overwhelming sensory input from smells, lights, signs, and visual clutter. I’m also inevitably going to struggle with asking for help or communicating easily when I get to this point, so finding humans that can direct me to where I need to go or find me help is another layer of difficulty.
Instead of panicking and getting myself more lost or just hoping I just wander into the right place again, my service dog is being trained to help me navigate situations like this with the use of her guide harness! Right now she’s still learning, but she has successfully learned how to find my partner and she is getting close to being able to reliably find where the car is parked, so even though I don’t drive, if I do get lost, she can guide me back to a meeting point where whoever I’m with can meet back up with me. I’m hoping in the future that she will be able to locate public restrooms for me as well.
My friends that helped me raise the money for it also helped me raise enough to get a custom cape (made by an artist whose shop is called Patience and Love) for her that attaches to her harness so it’s easier for people to identify her as a service dog. It has embroidered clovers on it, and we get a lot of compliments on it when we go out.
How did you fund your assistive technology? (Optional): Crowd funding on my service dog’s social media page!
Jaylen V.

Usually my Gripeeze fingerless glove but today I had to get creative and use the waistband of my shorts!
Hi, I’m Jaylen. I’m a 12 year old DIFFERENTLY-ABLED Farmer!
I am paralyzed on my left side of my body including my left arm, hand and diaphragm. I have to get creative with how I work on the farm. In this picture I’m rolling out electrical fencing wire and using the waistband my shorts to help my “lefty” hold up the reel.
Let’s face it, we are all different. Some differences are visible like my lefty and some are invisible, but our differences make us unique!
My lefty doesn’t keep me from farming, which is what I love best, it just means I can do AMAZING things with one arm! Sure, I have to get creative, using my glove or even my pants sometimes but I always get the job done on the farm!
@3125jayjay @bluedogfarmspa
How did you fund your assistive technology? (Optional): PA Agrability GAVE me my Gripeeze glove! Mom bought me my shorts 🙂
MaryAnn C.

Standing wheelchair
Ben has quadraplegic cerebral palsy. He could not stand. Now due to this wheelchair he can
How did you fund your assistive technology? (Optional): Insurance
Stephanie O.

Accessible Van
My daughters assistive technology has made a difference in her life because now she can go more places. Prior to us getting a wheelchair van Destiny road in a car seat. I couldn’t life her myself anymore without help. I was injuring myself and her as well so I avoided taking her many places. Destiny is a social butterfly and makes friends wherever she goes because of her infectious smile, it broke my heart to leave her out. As you can tell from the picture she is just beaming with joy to be able to go! I big thank you from my whole family for making my daughter so happy!!!
How did you fund your assistive technology? (Optional): Out of pocket and low interest loan
Donna C.

Motorized Stationary Bike
The MotoMed Stationary Bike enables me to improve my physical strength and endurance by assisting my leg muscles to get stronger, whereas my old manual stationary bike drained my energy very quickly without producing desired therapy results. Consequently, I have been able to make great strides in Physical Therapy as a result of using this wonderful piece of assistive technology, the MotoMed Stationary Bike.
Kristen U.

Stander, iPad, and holder
My son Jacob uses the Kaye dynamic stander numerous times throughout the week. He had a stroke at a year old due to a rare Vein of Galen Malformation in the brain. The stander helps him with posture, weight bearing for his legs, and feeling weight shift. He cannot walk on his own or stand without assistance so this equipment is very useful to strengthen his legs and stretch out tight muscles. He is taught at home so we use it during a therapy or school time. The dynamic part allows him to move forward and back with his body or side to side. He has Cortical Vision Impairment so him being able to rock and move can help him to focus better visually. He also learns a lot by using the iPad for educational games and using the zoom feature on there to focus on a certain area of the screen. I made him the iPad holder from a hanger because of breaking off the plastic stand by accident. The hanger is much more durable.
Buddy H.

Traxsys Joystick Cursor
This device has been in use at Inglis for well over a decade, allowing individuals an alternative way to mouse independently. Staff members have the ability to increase cursor control and speed, and program each of 4 recessed buttons to perform mouse functions such as lock, right click, left click and double click (as it is also switch compatible).
Buddy (pictured in the photo) shared this about his experience…
What do you use it for?
I play games to pass time, such as bejeweled and mahjong and when I’m using the joystick it helps the game go a little faster. It also allows me the ability to play the game as its intended to be played. I use it to access all things on my PC because the decline in Range of Motion in my hands has been so significant, that I require it for basically all things I do on a computer (including emailing and social media).
Why it matters to me?
This device helps me to do things faster and better without making mistakes. My right arm is no longer in use and my Left Thumb and Pointer Finger have numbness that forces me to be very careful about how fast I do perform functions on a computer. The joystick gives me more of a sense of control when playing games, browsing the internet or even typing with the on-screen keyboard. On the whole, this device allows me to accomplish what I set out to do with way more accuracy than if I didn’t have it. As a former business owner, several years ago, I was used to being as independent as possible. Taking public transit several hours every day, running a successful Newspaper stand for about 4 years, and never letting my disability get in the way, to have AT that still allows me to control my environment is exactly what I want. In the times of long commutes, I met several people to and from my destinations. With the help of a Joystick Cursor, I can continue to meet people through social media and engage and in an alternative way.
How did you fund your assistive technology? (Optional): Grant Funding or Private Donations
Brielle T.

Tobi dynovox and IPad Pro
My name is Brielle Taylor, I am a 26yr old young lady and the oldest of two. I have a brother whom I love and admire. I do not have the natural means a speaking, but, boy do I have a lot to say. With the assistance of my wonderful team, we decided that I could be able to with the assistance of augmented assistant technology and active support, vocalize my direct personal healthcare needs meet, and control the environment I may find myself in. By using my Tobi Dynovox and IPad Pro, I have the ability to have control of choice and live my Everyday Life. I use my technology to make personal needs at home as well as being involved in my community. I used my technology by being the face of THE BEST LIFE Campaign as Miss Arc ‘18 of Dauphin Co. As Miss Arc, I was required to make public appearance to greet the golfers at the MILLION DOLLAR GOLF OUTING.. My slip made me a Miss Arc fail safe greeting page to greet the golfer and wish them luck, and to introduce myself as Ms. Arc wishing them a great day with my Tobi. My slp and me together made a visual introduction weblike blast, advertising me using my tech logo while live my Everyday Life.
I will in the next couple of weeks, use my Tobi to read to children in the upcoming 100 Women Challenge at Foose School. Can’t wait to show how to use alternative means of communication to get your needs and wants made. And maintain your sense of dignity and control. I will be attending these event representing Quality Care Supportive Practice. A Support Brokerage Service who assist families and individuals such as myself to manage my Person Directed Services and enhance and maintain my Community Presence.
The Brielle Taylor
Living her Best Life
How did you fund your assistive technology? (Optional): My Tobi Dynovox was purchased w/MA, and my IPad Pro w/waiver funding, and my wheelchair base was giving to me the a grant from Andrew’s Gift; which was submitted by my SLP
Daniel C.

Adaptive Hand Controlled Polaris RZR
My assistive technology has made a lot huge impact on my quality of life. Saturday November 2nd was a terrific day for side by side #sxs #racing! My debut on the track was a success! I finished the race and had a blast all along the way!! Thank you for the love & support! A special thank you to everyone involved with this project! Shout out to everyone involved with this project! We may have been down, but never counted out!
How did you fund your assistive technology? (Optional): Out of pocket
Michael A.

Accessible van
I love my accessible van! I just voted, and now I’m off to work!
*A note from the Contest Entry Management Team: Michael is a family member of a PATF staff person, so he is not eligible to win any prizes. We have chosen to include his entry because the true purpose of this contest is to spread awareness about how people are doing the things they want to do with the help of assistive technology. While Michael cannot win, you can still vote for Michael to show your support!*
How did you fund your assistive technology? (Optional): A PATF loan paid for the modifications
Allyson W.

Aids in use of hands and arms in the profound weak.
Eliminating gravity, this device aids with my son to enjoy basic tasks like painting, playing drums, doing schoolwork utilizing a computer mouse, enjoying Xbox and his iPad. The different color resistance bands can also be used in exercises to help strengthen arm muscles.
How did you fund your assistive technology? (Optional): Out of pocket
Tenesha M.

Dragon Naturally Speaking
“I used to type about 5 words per minute with my hands, using my voice with Dragon Naturally Speaking, I type well over 100 words per minute”
Ciara A.

Beach wheelchair
Ciara has always loved the annual family beach weekend. When she was little we could pop her into a life jacket and carry her into the waves for hours of laughter! As she and her sister grew bigger we struggled to get them out in the water safely. They became too heavy to carry with fear of the waves knocking us over and the current taking them from us. It became harder to get them into the water and it felt sad to visit the ocean and not enter the water. Then friends told us about the OCNJ community center having rows and rows of beach chairs to reserve at no cost. It was a game changer! Now we can once again get down to the water and even get in enough for large waves to splash over them, the laughter is back! Thanks OCNJ!
How did you fund your assistive technology? (Optional): Free rental at OCNJ community center
Kimiko I.

Dexcom G5 Continuous Glucose Monitor
I have Type 1 diabetes. My continuous glucose monitor (CGM) is attached to my arm (or belly) with a special sensor and it tells me and my mom what my blood glucose number is all day and all night. It even can tell me if my blood glucose (BG) is going up or going down. It helps me have better control over my diabetes and can prevent me from having some serious problems (like a coma if I would go too low). My mom can know my number on her smartphone too which is great since I don’t always pay attention!!!! Also, it means I don’t have to stick my finger all day long to know what my BG is and helps us know how much insulin to bolus before a meal. It’s a game changer!!!!!!!!!!!
How did you fund your assistive technology? (Optional): Medicare pays for it
Candace A.

Candace has never liked to spend a whole day indoors. When she was little she could get pulled around in the snow in a toboggan with extra supports. As she grew and grew it became impossible to get out into the snow. She has cerebral palsy and uses a power wheelchair to get around. She needs to stay on a shoveled path to drive outside when it is snowy. The ski camp at Double H Ranch in upstate NY has improved her life by providing one weekend a winter where she can get out onto the mountain. Each year she has returned she has been given opportunity to be more independent with the skiing. She now uses outriggers and can lean left and right to steer down the mountain tethered to her instructor. She finds it fantastically fun! As she ages out of the ski camp we are discovering some adapted ski programs here in the Pocono mountains! She is anxious to give them a try, too!
How did you fund your assistive technology? (Optional): Double H Ranch, Lake George NY is a Paul Newman/seriously fun camp and completely free to attend….included use of adapted skis and bi-skis!
Tyler M.

Mobility Scooter
My mobility scooter has had a significant impact on my life, giving me the independence and freedom to do the things I want to do. While I was in college, my scooter gave me the independence to get to and from classes, meetings, and activities. It allowed me to participate in school and be an active student leader. My scooter was an essential part of my college experience, after being diagnosed with a rare neuromuscular/autoimmune disease called myasthenia gravis. It was this scooter that got me through the rest of my undergraduate career and allowed me to “walk” with my classmates at my commencement ceremony this past April. I graduated with a B.S. in computer information systems & technology. Now I use my scooter when I go places that require a lot of walking. It gives me the freedom to experience life and all it has to offer me.
Bob S.

Hearing aids
Having a hearing aid is like night and day to me. Over the last 30 years my hearing has declined from what I would call excellent in the 70’s and early 80’s, to the point where I have a hearing loss of 60% in one ear and 40% in the other. I have difficulty communicating when I don’t wear them and listening to the radio or watching TV is very hard. It’s the difference between being able to listen to the radio in my car, and not being able to understand what they’re saying; going to a restaurant and being able to understand the waitress; going to the grocery store and asking the clerk where to find something and understanding their answer. But, having hearing aids — it’s a life-changer at my age. I’m 82 years old and I get around well, but not being able to hear is a real hardship. I would not be able to lead a normal life without them. I would not be able to hear the minister’s sermon without them. I heard and understood every word this past Sunday.
How did you fund your assistive technology? (Optional): PATF loan
Thank you to all who participated, both by entering and by voting! We’re looking forward to seeing what you’re doing with your assistive technology next year!
Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation is dedicated to helping people with disabilities and older Pennsylvanians acquire the assistive technology they want and need. If you’re having trouble determining how to fund your assistive technology, contact us – we can help you explore your options and find a funding solution.