Written by Bonaia Rosado, PATF Program Manager
Trying to find and utilize the range of services for children with disabilities can be overwhelming. Add to that a language barrier and the process can feel close to impossible. Navigating your way around services when Spanish is your primary language makes the advocacy work necessary for your child that much harder. To get things rolling, here are some Spanish resources we have come across:
Special Kids Network: A Resource for Parents of Children with Disabilities
Special Kids Network helps children and youth in Pennsylvania with special health care needs and disabilities get the services and support they require in order to thrive in their community and develop to their full potential.
Education Law Center (ELC) Spanish Language Guide to Inclusive Early Childhood Learning in Pennsylvania
This is a comprehensive guide covering early childhood learning programs in Pennsylvania for parents of children with disabilities.
Pennsylvania Secondary Transition Guide: Spanish Resources
A list of secondary transition resources for youth, young adults, parents, and professionals to facilitate a young person’s progress towards post-secondary goals related to education, employment, and community living.
LD Online: Articles in Spanish about Learning Disabilities and ADHD
A list of helpful articles available about topics such as learning disabilities, special education, IEPs, and more.
Center for Parent Information & Resources: Tools That Empower Spanish-Speaking Parents
A list of articles that can empower Spanish-speaking parents with the information they need to advocate for their children.
Center on Technology and Disability: What is Assistive Technology?
This publication can help you understand how assistive technology can help an individual to overcome challenges and enable people living with disabilities to enhance their quality of life and lead more independent lives.
Center on Technology and Disability: A Teacher’s View of Assistive Technology
In this video, teachers of students with a range of learning needs discuss the ways in which assistive technology can help.
Center on Technology and Disability: Assistive Technology Glossary
This glossary can help parents understand the “language” of assistive technology so they can be informed advocates for their child’s technology needs.
We make every effort to ensure our materials are accessible, including to non-English speakers. Our application, frequently asked questions, and financial education book are available in Spanish, and we have Spanish-speaking staff available to answer questions. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you fund your assistive technology.