Eric Saul
Eric Saul joined PATF in February 2025 as Chief Financial Officer and Chief Lending Officer. Before joining PATF, he served as the Chief Financial Officer at Valley Forge Military Academy… [ Read Eric Saul ]

Shideerah Davis
Shideerah Davis is PATF’s Program Assistant. Shideerah has experience in credit repair, financing, leasing program coordination, regulatory compliance, and dispute resolution. Currently, she is pursuing an undergraduate degree in Paralegal… [ Read Shideerah Davis ]

Laquesha Brown
Laquesha Brown serves as the Program and Administrative Specialist for PATF. She plays a vital role in providing helpful program support and a diverse range of administrative tasks. Before joining… [ Read Laquesha Brown ]

Rachelle McStravog
Rachelle McStravog is our Temp. Program Assistant. Rachelle has a background in operations, and customer service, and has experience as a junior underwriter, where she handled administrative tasks and risk… [ Read Rachelle McStravog ]

Will Hall
Will Hall has served as the Chief Executive Officer of PATF, and Executive Director of Appalachian Assistive Technology Loan Fund (AATLF) since August of 2024. Mr. Hall is an experienced… [ Read Will Hall ]

Wendy Furman
Wendy Furman is a Program Associate and Underwriter for PATF. Before joining the organization, she was an underwriter in the Merchant Cash Advance industry for eight years. She is currently… [ Read Wendy Furman ]

Roberta Melnyk
Roberta Melnyk is proud to be serving as the Director of Finance at Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation. She is responsible for supporting the needs of the organization by monitoring grants… [ Read Roberta Melnyk ]

Karen Hassett
Karen Hassett is the Financial Education Director for Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation (PATF). She is responsible for developing and implementing PATF’s financial education initiatives, education outreach, and advocacy. Before joining… [ Read Karen Hassett ]

Quintin Cliett
Quintin Cliett is our Communications Director. He helps raise awareness about PATF’s programs and services throughout Pennsylvania by keeping our social media accounts up to date, writing the newsletter, and… [ Read Quintin Cliett ]

Mary Kate Cassidy
Mary Kate Cassidy is PATF’s Information Specialist and Content Curator. She is often the first point of contact for callers, directing them to the appropriate staff person, and answering all… [ Read Mary Kate Cassidy ]