Video: Cuteness Alert! Penny uses Assistive Technology
Need a dose of adorable? Meet Penny, and see how she and her family are using assistive technology to help her communicate. You can also read more about Penny and her family and how they are navigating her autism diagnosis. (Video transcript below.)
Penny is an outgoing, energetic 2.5 year old who happens to have autism. She and her family are learning how assistive technology can help Penny communicate. Penny is always moving. Bouncing on a trampoline soothes her and helps her focus. Penny uses a tablet to learn and practice her fine motor skills. Lately, Penny is learning to communicate using the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS). Penny’s family is bilingual so her PECS images are in Spanish and English. Since Penny started Early Intervention, she and her family have incorporated PECS and AT into their lives. Penny is now more verbal, less frustrated, and happier making choices on her own. Great work, Penny!