Kevin Huwe, Administrator of Community Resources at Disability Options Network (DON), is also a PATF Funding Assistance Coordinator for the Southwestern region of Pennsylvania. Kevin has been providing support for our borrowers and helping consumers develop funding strategies for assistive technology in Western Pennsylvania for over 25 years. Kevin is particularly knowledgeable about home modifications, and recently has helped several people braid together PATF financing with a USDA grant to make the home adaptations they need more affordable. Here is a recent press release from DON describing the grant program:
Disability Options Network (DON), a 501c3 nonprofit organization, is proud to announce the recent award of a Housing Preservation Grant (HPG) from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). This grant is provided to make needed repairs and renovations for rural owner-occupied very low and low-income homeowners who have a disability, or have a household member with a disability, who are residents of Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Lawrence, Mercer or Westmoreland counties. Funds may be used to make accessibility modifications, resolve health or safety issues, or make energy-efficiency improvements. Funds from the Housing Preservation Grant will provide a dollar for dollar match up to $3000 in repair or renovation costs. Each homeowner is responsible to provide and/or identify matching funds.
DON has been combining services with new funding innovations for the past sixteen (16) years as a federally-designated Center for Independent Living (CIL). DON was selected by the Administration for Community Living in 2017 to expand its CIL designation to encompass Allegheny, Armstrong and Westmoreland counties.
“We are excited for the opportunity to continue our services to the people of this region,” says Chris Lloyd, Executive Director of Disability Options Network. “The Housing Preservation Grant will enable DON to provide much needed community assistance to persons with disabilities and low-income persons that struggle to afford necessary housing upkeep. These funds will also allow us to address the issue of blight that so often plagues some areas.”
Funds will be awarded through an application process and applications will be taken on a first come first serve basis. For further information or to request an application: please call DON’s Housing Department, visit DON’s Housing Preservation Program webpage at www.doninc.org/HPP, or visit DON’s New Castle Office at 831 Harrison Street, New Castle, PA 16101.
This is an equal opportunity program. Discrimination is prohibited by Federal Law. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information or assistance with filling out this application should contact our office by telephone (724) 652-5144, Fax (724) 856-8973, or TTY/VP (724) 652-5152.
Concerned about the match funding required for a Housing Preservation Grant? A PATF loan can help! Our Mini-Loans for amounts less than $2,000 have no interest and no fees, and our loans for amounts over $2,000 have a low, fixed interest rate of 3.75% also with no fees. Learn more about how our financial loans work.