Real-Life Stories: Smart Wearables and Smart Home Technology for Everyday Life – a Smart Home Technology Webinar
Smart home technology has quickly become ubiquitous in homes across the world for entertainment, safety, and convenience; but for people with disabilities, this technology is far more impactful in its… [ Read Real-Life Stories: Smart Wearables and Smart Home Technology for Everyday Life – a Smart Home Technology Webinar ]

A Family’s Adapted Van Makes Traveling Much Easier and Safer
Drew is seven years old, loves bright lights and music, and enjoys good food. And she needs plenty of room to roll around while playing at home. Drew was born… [ Read A Family’s Adapted Van Makes Traveling Much Easier and Safer ]

Assistive Technology Spotlight: Captioned Phones Help with Communication During Quarantine
Unprecedented times. Pandemic. Hysteria. Headlines are littered with words grasping to embody what we are experiencing today. In our homes, we are more likely to be using words like isolation,… [ Read Assistive Technology Spotlight: Captioned Phones Help with Communication During Quarantine ]