Helen Doesn’t Hear “Can’t”, She Hears “Try”
Helen Doesn’t Hear “Can’t”, She Hears “Try” Written by Carmella Rynearson, PATF Funding Assistance Coordinator What do puppies, kitties, ice cream, and video editing software all have in common? Well,… [ Read Helen Doesn’t Hear “Can’t”, She Hears “Try” ]

Working, Hunting and Fishing with an All-Terrain Wheelchair
Working, Hunting and Fishing with an All-Terrain Wheelchair Written by Rebecca Strobel, Community Supports Coordinator at the Lehigh Valley Center for Independent Living, a Funding Assistance Center for PATF Hunting at… [ Read Working, Hunting and Fishing with an All-Terrain Wheelchair ]

Adaptive Sports Provide a Lifetime of Competition and Community
Written by Rebecca Strobel, Community Supports Coordinator at the Lehigh Valley Center for Independent Living, a Funding Assistance Center for PATF Everett Deibler was 8 years old when he saw… [ Read Adaptive Sports Provide a Lifetime of Competition and Community ]