PATF Receives a Generous Grant

The Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation (PATF) has just been awarded a $700,000 grant through the Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI).  The funds will be used to expand our zero percent… [ Read PATF Receives a Generous Grant ]

Featured image for PA AgrAbility Newsletter – Spring 2014

PA AgrAbility Newsletter – Spring 2014

For the first time since 2010, AgrAbility for Pennsylvanians received a USDA-NIFA grant to provide services to farmers and agriculture workers with disabilities so that they can remain in production… [ Read PA AgrAbility Newsletter – Spring 2014 ]

OVR’s PA Farming Policy

A significant portion of the Pennsylvania economy and workforce consists of farming or farming-related jobs. PA’s Office of Vocational Rehabilitation is sensitive to the needs of farmers who have a… [ Read OVR’s PA Farming Policy ]

Featured image for PA AgrAbility Has New Website

PA AgrAbility Has New Website

You can access the PA AgrAbility website by going to The mission of AgrAbility for Pennsylvanians is to assist farmers, and other agricultural workers with disabilities or long-term health… [ Read PA AgrAbility Has New Website ]

Featured image for PATF Releases 2013/2014 Annual Report

PATF Releases 2013/2014 Annual Report

We are pleased to release our 2013 PATF Annual Report: Loans That Change Lives. This Report highlights how assistive technology devices have helped over 205 Pennsylvanians with disabilities go to… [ Read PATF Releases 2013/2014 Annual Report ]

Featured image for Pennsylvania AgrAbility Program Kicks-Off

Pennsylvania AgrAbility Program Kicks-Off

Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation (PATF) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a multi-year agreement with Penn State University as a project partner to promote and raise awareness… [ Read Pennsylvania AgrAbility Program Kicks-Off ]

Featured image for PATF Executive Director Receives Honorary Doctorate for Her Work on Disability Issues

PATF Executive Director Receives Honorary Doctorate for Her Work on Disability Issues

The Board of Trustees of Colorado College presented PATF’s Executive Director, Susan Tachau, with a Doctorate in Humane Letters, honoris causa, on September 2, 2013. This degree was awarded to… [ Read PATF Executive Director Receives Honorary Doctorate for Her Work on Disability Issues ]

Featured image for Hot off the Press! PATF Announces the 2nd Edition of Financial Education Booklet

Hot off the Press! PATF Announces the 2nd Edition of Financial Education Booklet

PATF is very pleased to offer a revised edition of Cents and Sensibility. This booklet is a guide to money management, and specifically designed for people with disabilities. The interactive… [ Read Hot off the Press! PATF Announces the 2nd Edition of Financial Education Booklet ]

Featured image for PATF Releases 2012 Annual Report

PATF Releases 2012 Annual Report

PATF is happy to release our 2012 PATF Report: Loans That change Lives. This report highlights how assistive technology (AT) devices have helped over 245 Pennsylvanians with disabilities go to… [ Read PATF Releases 2012 Annual Report ]

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program

Two PATF staff recently participated in a training session and received certification to work as Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) tax return preparers for low-income individuals. The VITA Program generally… [ Read Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program ]