April is Financial Education Month and we’re so excited about it that we’ve put together a series of videos. (Technically, it’s actually “Financial Literacy Month” but we prefer to use the word education for its more inclusive tone.) We’ll be editing this blog post weekly to add each new video, and also posting each video on Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Stay tuned! And, don’t forget, you can always learn more about managing your finances at our website studymoney.us, which is the online, interactive version of our book, Cents and Sensibility.
Introduction Video (transcript below)
Transcript: Hi, I’m Susan Tachau and I’m the CEO of Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation. April is Financial Education Month, and in order to mark the importance of financial education, we’re releasing several videos, including one on Money Mapping, the Pennsylvania ABLE Act Program, Identity Theft, and Credit. We hope these videos are valuable to you.
Money Mapping (transcript below)
Transcript: Money Mapping – What is Money Mapping? Money mapping is a newer term for budgeting. It allows for greater flexibility. The same components are part of money mapping as they were in budgeting – looking at your income, your expenses, and determining your cash flow. But it recognizes that all of us need to do a little redirection from time to time. Money mapping is about the compilation of information, information is power; use your power to develop your financial future. Learn more about money mapping at www.studymoney.us.
PA ABLE (Achieving a Better Life Experience) (transcript below)
Transcript: Pennsylvania just launched its new ABLE program. This program will make it possible for people with disabilities and their families to save, and save safely without affecting, adversely, the asset limits of many government programs. People can save up to $14,000 a year, up to a maximum of $100,000. And then pay for expenses such as, our favorite, assistive technology, plus transportation, housing expenses, education… there’s a whole list of qualifying expenses. With this program people with disabilities will be able to be in charge of their own finances and financial future. For more information, visit www.PAABLE.gov.
Understanding Credit (English and Spanish transcripts below)
Don’t speak Spanish? English translation below Spanish transcript, or click the subtitles/closed captions option in the video.
Transcripción: ¿Qué significa tener buen crédito? Tener buen crédito significa siempre pagando sus cuentas a tiempo y no teniendo demasiada deuda. ¿Por qué es importante el buen crédito? La importancia del buen crédito significa mas que compras importantes. Por ejemplo, tambien puede significar que podras hacer cosas como alquilar un apartamento en su propio nombre, tener un telefono cellular, o pagando tasas de seguro mas bajas. ¿Existen otros beneficios? A veces puede ayudar con conseguir un trabajo, porque algunos empleadores pediran su puntuacion de crédito antes de decidirse a contratarlo. Puedes comprobar su crédito gratis en annualcreditreport.com.
Video translation in English: What is good credit? Having good credit means always paying your bills on time and not having too much debt. Why is good credit important? The importance of good credit means more than just major purchases. For example, it can also mean that you will be able to do things like rent an apartment in your own name, get a cell phone, or pay lower insurance rates. Are there any other benefits? Sometimes it can help with getting a job, because some employers will ask for your credit score before they decide to hire you. You can get your free credit at annualcreditreport.com.
Identity Theft (transcript below)
Transcript: Identity theft is a serious crime. If someone steals your ID, and uses your credit card to spend money, what do you do? You have to call the bank, call the credit card company, and close your accounts. This can be a lot of work! How do you prevent identity theft? Here are five quick tips. 1. Don’t give out your social security number. Keep it confidential! Unless you’re sure the request is legitimate, don’t give out your social security number. 2. When you’re typing your PIN at the ATM, be sure to shield the keyboard. Don’t show your PIN in public, always be sure to hide personal passwords with your hands. 3. Store personal information and passwords in a safe place. Don’t scatter your papers with your information all over the place. Instead, collect everything, and file personal information and passwords in a safe place. 4. Always shred any papers that contain your personal information. Don’t just throw them in the trash, shred these papers first. 5. Most importantly be sure to check your accounts regularly. Make sure your information is correct and look for mistakes in your credit. That way if you find a mistake you can fix it right away. Learn more about identity theft at www.studymoney.us.
PATF is a nonprofit that provides financial education and financing opportunities for people with disabilities and older Pennsylvanians, helping them to acquire the assistive technology devices and services that improve the quality of their lives. Learn more about what we do and how we can help you by visiting our About Us page.