An important part of our mission is providing financial education to people with disabilities. Our education efforts help people make more informed decisions about managing their finances, take control of their financial future, and build financial wellness. 

Cents and Sensibility:

Cents and Sensibility: A Guide to Money Management

Cents and Sensibility: A Guide to Money Management – 8th Edition (front cover)

A Guide to Money Management, 8th Edition

As part of our financial education mission, we created a book called Cents and Sensibility: A Guide to Money Management. The educators that used this book as a teaching manual taught us that all people, including those with and without disabilities, can benefit from this information. Everyone needs to understand how to manage their money so that their money doesn’t manage them!  

We are now on our 8th Edition of Cents and Sensibility. The 8th Edition includes: 

  • Two new chapters: Investing for My Future and Identity Theft;
  • Expands chapters on Borrowing, Decision-making, and Where to Put My Money, and; 
  • 22 worksheets.  


Please use the following links to access Cents and Sensibility and the worksheets: 

(Please Note: The Spanish translation of the 8th Edition of Cents and Sensibility and the worksheets will be available in Fall 2024.) 

Click here to request a print copy of Cents and Sensibility 


StudyMoney: An online companion to Cents and Sensibility

This website follows the content of Cents and Sensibility and provides the most current information to support what is contained in the book with knowledge checks at the conclusion of each topic. StudyMoney also includes interactive versions of all the activities, so users can fill them online and math calculations are completed automatically where required. The activities are individually downloadable as a fillable PDF and are printable.

Go to StudyMoney.


Cents and Sensibility Educator Companion Manual, 2nd Edition

The Cents and Sensibility Educator Companion Manual was developed by a team of educators to accompany the award-winning Cents and Sensibility: A Guide to Money Management with accommodations for classroom use. While we strongly believe all students should receive a high-quality financial education, we know students with disabilities have unique financial education needs. This manual helps teachers develop relevant lessons and activities for students with and without disabilities on topics such as earning income, saving, and using financial services.

Please use the following links to access the educator manual:


A Family Companion to Cents and Sensibility: A Guide to Money Management

PATF’s new Family Companion to Cents & Sensibility: A Guide to Money Management provides valuable insights on how to approach financial topics with children. The publication includes “Teachable Moments” and “Conversation Starters” that families can incorporate into everyday life. “Conversation Starters” provide the opportunity for parents to begin the money conversation where children can feel comfortable discussing money matters. And the “Teachable Moments” are organized by level of complexity – Seed, Sprout, Seedling, and Tree. Throughout the Family Companion, readers will find parent stories, tips, definitions, and resources.

Please use the following link to access the Family Companion:

Money Talks: A Free Webinar Series on Financial Empowerment for People with Disabilities

Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation (PATF) presents Money Talks, a free webinar series on financial empowerment for people with disabilities. We started Money Talks at a time when many people were working and learning from home, and we wanted to provide an opportunity to increase your financial knowledge and skills.

If you are a person with a disability, a family member of someone who has a disability, an advocate, an educator, or a service provider, this series is for you.




Financial Fundamentals: Discussion Starters for Youth

As of 2022, nearly 1 in 4 students had access to a personal finance class*. We are proud to offer a guide which helps youth/young adults with disabilities and their families begin the conversation about their financial future. This guide is used by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education and PaTTAN.

*Source: NGPF – 2022 Annual Report