A blue outline of a home, with a grey wi-fi symbol inside it.PATF launched the Smart Homes Made Simple project to raise awareness about how people with disabilities can gain control over their environment and live safely and more independently in their own homes using generic smart home technology.

Smart Homes Made Simple is a result of a generic technology grant from the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council (PADDC).

To learn more about Smart Home Technology and how it can be used to increase independence and support people living in their own homes, visit www.SmartHomesMadeSimple.org.

Smart Homes Made Simple

Cover of Smart Homes Made Simple: Your Guide to Smart Home TechnologySmart Homes Made Simple: Your Guide to Smart Home Technology, 2nd Edition

As part of our Smart Homes Made Simple project, we wrote a book called Smart Homes Made Simple: Your Guide to Smart Home Technology.

This guide is meant to help people with disabilities and older adults learn to successfully integrate smart home technology into their homes and lives.

We hope this guide will empower you to explore the most current smart home technology, develop a framework to choose your technology, and build a team who can support you in achieving your goals.

Now available in Spanish! Download Hogares Inteligentes de Forma Sencilla: Guía para la tecnología de hogar inteligente

Smart Homes Made Simple Self-Assessment in SpanishSmart Homes Made Simple Self-Assessment Tool

Not sure where to begin with smart home technology? This self-assessment can help you identify what you’re trying to do and plan for your smart home. It will prompt you to think about:

  • Your goals, strengths, and challenges
  • Your home environment
  • The supports you already have in place

Download Smart Homes Made Simple Self-Assessment Tool (508 Compliant PDF, 2nd Edition)

Now available in Spanish! Download Hogares Inteligentes de Forma Sencilla: Herramienta de autoevaluación

Service Coordinator Guide to Smart Home & Assistive Technology

Service Coordinator Guide to Smart Home & Assistive Technology

This guide provides service coordinators with information about the broad scope of assistive technology, including smart home technology.

Download Service Coordinator Guide to Smart Home & Assistive Technology (508 Compliant PDF, 1st Edition)